Mon 27 Jan
Salt & Pepper We are a Great Team! 160💰 for our TagTeam Special! - 29
(Bradenton/Sarasota out/in, Sarasota)
Pick the Berry in late summer! An erotic educator & sensual companion - 28
(downtown St. Petersburg, Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, Tampa)
*-:¦:-* One in a *MILLION*... Top-notch Brunette Bunny! Upscale Provider! Leaving@ 7pm!! *-:¦:-* - 23
(Sarasota, OUTCALLS ONLY ***Specials***)
see the wonderful, beautiful wild and sexy Nadia 239-682-7953 IN/out calls - 23
▄▀▄▄▀▄❤ ❤Sarasota SMOKIN❤ ❤╠╣OT❤❤Blonde❤ ❤UpScale❤ ❤ONLY❤ ❤▄▀▄▄▀▄ - 21
(Sarasota, Sarasota in or outcall)
. S E R I O U S L Y H O T T N E W A S I A N S T A F F - 24
(Sarasota, ===== SARASOTA, 941-355-5225)
!!!!! S E X Y ~ P U E R T O ~ R I C A N **** C A L L * N O W !!!!!!!** 941.306.7466 ** H O T ****** - 23
RELAXZATION ________ WANT SOME _________ CHOCOLATE _________ TREAT.......RITE NOW - 27
(Sarasota, Ell/Brad/Palmt)
Ready to PLAY - HOTTIE - 21 yr old College Student - BEAUTIFUL BRUNETTE - 21
(Sarasota, Sarasota In/Out)
Outcalls!!now for a Gorgeous Blonde Dynamite that will make u blast Venice, Englewood ⭐9416661001⭐⭐↩ - 31
(Sarasota, Sarasota Venice Englewood)
OUTCALL SPCL! ~Very Curvy Brunette~ GUARANTEED SATISFACTION! *Cassidy* Fetish Friendly 24/7 - 23
(Sarasota, sarasota bradenton)
*** P U E R T O * R I C A N *** 941.893.9899 *** B A B Y * I M * H E R E * W A I T I N G !!!! - 23
(Sarasota/Fruitville Area)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat - 19
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, 10 minutes away)
*(o)(o)* Friday Evening Specials! $40 half hour incall *(o)(o)* - 37
(Sarasota, North. Sarasota (941) 225-9572)
Nurse Kate specials only for this morning(outcall only!!) - 20
(Sarasota, Sarasota Venice brandenton)
nia~~ I____DO____IT •★• __W_A_Y __ •★• __B_E_T_T_E_R__ (¯`•★•´¯) - 23
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton-close to Interstate)
Saturdays Are Great Here! $100 flat rates" .... Best Looking Girls In Town by Far! - 20
(Sarasota, 1417 Cortez rd Bradenton)
Quality vs Quantity ~ Cougar ~Upscale InCall ~ 100% Real Photos - 45
(Bradenton ~ 75 Fwy. State Route 64 Exit, Sarasota)
Petite Blonde In Town on July 2nd-4th Sarasota to Ft. Myers Need Some Stress Relief? - 37
(bradenton/sarasota/ft myers/punta gorda)
OutCALL 2 U! **** S*N*S*U*A*L MaturE BeauTifl REDHEAD **Self EMPLoyed** **OUTCALLs ONLY !!! - 50
(o).(o)* Tuesday )\(oon and )\(ight Specials! $50 half hour incall! *(o).(o) - 37
(Sarasota, North. Sarasota (941) 351-1293)
• × • × • × • × • N€W HÅZEL €¥ED ßØMߧH€LL 2 GÏRL §PËÇIÅL • × • × • × • × • - 21
(Sarasota, INCALL ( University Pkwy ) OUTCALL)
Saturday . Special . YOU . . . C A N . . . P L A Y . . . WITH "ME" - 28
(Sarasota, Bradetn/ Ellentn/ St pete)
( * * * | ★★★ ]{ * __S T U N N I N G___S E X Y___E X O T I C___L A T I N A__ * }[★★★ | * * *) - 20
(Hillsborough Co, Westshore/airport/ALWAYSsafe&discrete;**!)
Rise and Shine with Tori !!! Call me about my Tuesday Morning specials 941 462 5324 - 28
(Sarasota, Bradenton Sarasota)
✦ RELIEVE ✦ UNWANTED ✦ STRESS ✦ EXCLUSIVE ✦ THERAPY ✦ 2-4-1 160/hr flat rate!!! Book your appt today - 18
(Sarasota, ScentSations Spa (941)462-6789)
Redbone Sensation:No competition, the best is here, r u ready baby? $50, $100...1-3pm $35 special - 32
(Sarasota, Bradenton, sarasota, venice, palmetto)
"Private Collection" Palmetto Private "In/call" Will Travel / Mature Adult Play Mate " - 50
(Sarasota, Palmetto / I-75 an Ellenton Exit (8min))
*(o)(o)* Tuesday Late Night Specials! $50 half hour! incall only! *(o)(o)* - 37
(Sarasota, North. Sarasota (941) 225-9572)
On Business & Want 2 Relax? • ♥ • Super Relaxation NO Rules • ♥ • Or Want 2 Break Away From Home? - 26
RARE TALENT, new pics, available now! REDUCED 2night ONLY - 32
(Sarasota, Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, siesta key)
🎃💋PumpKin spiCe🎃🎆Let me Make ur day moRe enjoyAble🎆🎃SpiCe it up🎃🎆 - 31
(Palmetto, Bradenton, Sarasota)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat - 19
(Fort Myers, In town, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa)
Professional, Independant provider!! NO rushing - 27
(Sarasota, Bradenton/Sarasota incalls and outcalls)
*°*° $p£¢i@l$ Blonde Young & Fun... Come C Me & Lets Play - 25
(Sarasota, 26th Street West Bradenton)
° °P° __ °L° __ °A° __ °Y ° ________ °T° __°I° __ °M ° __ °E° °★° - - 21
(Sarasota, University parkway)
💦 Open 24/7 💦 New Face Today 💦 AUBREY 💦 AMBER 💦100% real pictures 💦 NOW HIRING - 20
(Bradenton, Sarasota)
💦 Open 24/7 💦 Beautiful Girl in tonight 💦 CHRISTY 💦 LAUREN 💦 100% real picture - 20
(Bradenton,Florida, Fort Myers, Hillsborough Co, Pinellas Co, Sarasota, Tampa)
Open 24/7 💦 WELCOME BACK 💦 AMBER 💦 SCARLET 💦 ZOOEY 💦100% Real picture 💦 NOW HIRING - 18
(Bradenton, Sarasota)
☆ OPEN LATE🍒 Come in & Enjoy NEW FACES 🌟•Maria &Kristy;• and Nikki 🍒 100 FLAT RATE↔️2Girl💋 CALL Now (941)751-2900 - 18
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
___ ((NOW AVAILABLE)) ___ T O T A L _ K N O C K O U T ! ___ ((BLONDE)___ INCALL OR OUT - 26
(University Pkwy)
* REAL PHOTOS * (#1) CAUTION DANGEROUS CURVES * !! 100% hottest attendants r $$ back * 2 4 1 * $200 - 18
(Sarasota, srq,airport)
*** Pretty *** Meaow *** Pretty *** Meaow *** Pretty *** Ginger *** 941-879-1450 - 27
★ ★ Precious to the Eye -:¦:- -:¦:- Luscious to the Touch ★ ★ - 23
(Sarasota, -:¦:- Sarasota Incall Baby -:¦:-)